Monday, October 31, 2011

Say a little something into the camera...alittle someting into the camera

Because of recent hounding and building upon my previous blog about consistency I am writing todays insert.

Todays entry will be an outline of future blogs..not in any specific order

1.Addressing scapular positioning
2.Hip Positioning
3.Groin strains
4.Large group training(In-season hockey prep)
5.Training log updates

As stated, not in any specific order, I will touch on these 5 topics in the comming posts.

Training in a snapshot -

Front Squat 315x1; Bench 280x1; Deadlift 441x1/436x1

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Lets try getting back into this again...

Today was an awesome lift to start back up blogging a little.

I've been training my front squat for the last few weeks. I set a goal of being able to front squat 315x3. At the time my current best was approx.255-265.

I have since then hit 275, 295, and today 315x1.

I am proud, but at the same time, there are still stronger people in this lift, even in my gym. I must keep training because this is just a road stop. I have more to learn and more to lift.

Consistency goes a long ways

Monday, June 6, 2011

Update: Tough Mudder

Its been 9 weeks of training, I'm in phase 3 of my tough mudder training and I think it's progressing very well.

I am up to running 50minutes on Tuesday and Thursdays. I still lift lower body on Mondays with 20minutes HIIT. On Wednesdays I get the upper body in and a easy 10-20minute jog. Fridays I do a full body lift and some more HIIT. Saturdays I am up to 6 miles and that will keep building.

Todays lift: Deadlifts 3x5 @ 264 (light but little rest)felt great and a good segway into getting back into things. BUT follow that up with 95# front squats, ass to grass, for 3x10 plus 3x8 bwt lunges and what do you get...?

Nic rolling around on the ground due to multiple leg cramps as soon as I stepped into my first lunge on my 3rd set. So cx that last set and rolled out for a little bit, came into the office and re-hydrated, and finished with a brief HIIT set that consisted of heavy bag slams, evil wheel abs, and tire hits---than a 15-20 minute jog around the neighborhood.

I definitely have seen a huge improvement in my overall work capacity - which is great - and to be expected. These last two weeks I have really been noticing it. My ability to just keep moving and internally pushing myself has been growing. The long distance runs have been getting easier while getting harder - once I get about a mile in I can actually keep a good clip for about 2-3miles after but then I peter out. In about 3-5minutes I recover and am able to kick it into gear again and run the rest of the route.

I am really enjoying this training cycle but it is taking a toll and I am looking forward to a little more strength based lifting after the challenge...July 23rd in case you forgot.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Better Late than Never

Below is a video I promised from a long time ago. When I first started my tough mudder training and was beginning my running program I randomly maxed out on power cleans. The result was dropping 264 but getting it to the rack position - enjoy my failure

Monday, May 16, 2011

Phase 2 and Blue October

Phase 2 of my Tough Mudder training goes a little like this:

Mondays-Zercher Deadlifts + 20 Min conditioning circuit
Tuesdays-40 minute run
Wednesdays-FAT Bar Bench + 20 minute run
Thursdays-40 minute run
Fridays-Stone lift + 20 min conditioning circuit
Saturday-Long distance run

Zercher deads are considerably hard and awkward. I thought I'd be able to do a lot more weight than I have done in the last two weeks. Although the weight is close to the lifters COM the lifters hip height needs to be low in order to get into position. This position, along with the bar placement, make the lift difficult. I am using the Zercher deadlift, with a fat bar, to help develop grip strength, pulling strength, and "functional" (I hate using that word here) strength. When moving anything in life your not going to be able to get into a perfect deadlifting position, the Zercher, along with the Atlas Stones, has a little carry over into that world. Now, just because you train in unorthodox positions doesn't mean your any less susceptible towards injury. When you change an angle of lift you change the way a muscles effected. Fat Bars to Texas bars: stones to trap bar: 4in. lift to a 2in lift or different heights in a rack are all different exercises and are going to work the grip or posterior chain in different ways: more erector/low back less hamstring more hamstring more glute less glute some lat.activation and trap or none...So in point the Zercher changes the angles, provides a more challenging obstacle, and takes a lifter out of an ideal ROM - same thing with Stones.

40 minutes are getting very easy - I am pushing 3.5+mi in 40minutes and now that the weather is getting better I am definitely loving running again.

Upper Body days are going well, I hit 250 for a solid single on the fat bar plus 230 for 3. My overall strength is definitely diminishing but considering the fact I am running 4 days a week plus doing a lot more conditioning I dont think its been to huge of a loss. This is where I need to really keep up on my nutrition and supplementation. Its really hard on a budget but whats harder is the discipline. I am constantly having to re-focus myself.

Strongman days suck - I've been doing stones for the last two weeks and I hate it. It just pisses me off. ...Now I hate it for two reasons - 1.Its just hard 2.I end up whining about how much I hate it, which only makes me hate it more. All I can do is suck it up and keep trying to get better at it.

Long distance runs - not so bad. As long as I warm up properly the long distance runs are easy but recently I totally have been preoccupied with something else and randomly decided that I need to go run...therefore I put my shoes on and took off-bad idea for the first 1.5miles. Otherwise, I think the runs are going well.

Overall Phase 2 is rapidly closing and I think its gone well but I re-assess in 2 weeks so we'll see what that says.

Blue October came to the Pabst Theater on May 5th. They are currently on tour called Ugly Side-An acoustic evening with Blue October. I've seen these guys about 5-7x and this was THE best show I had ever seen. The music sounded awesome, we had great seats for the price and time we got to the event, and the vocals were studio quality. It was really an awesome experience and the Pabst theater is a sick venue. The best part wasn't even the show - it was the hour after the show were we were able to get Hillary's ticket signed by Ryan (the violinist), Matt (the bassist), and Justin (the lead signer.) On top of those signatures Ryan saw and signed my recent tattoos and was very impressed by them. Justin also saw my tattoos .... signed them AND THEN TOOK HIS OWN PICTURE OF THEM! That's right! I had a band member take a picture of me - as he took his pictures of my tattoos he said, and I quote, "this is the type of thing that would be cool to have in the next album."


I'd like to think I gave my best poker face at the time but inside was jumping up and down after hearing that so I do not know what my actual reaction was...all I can say is I will be lined up at the door to buy the next album!

I will get those pictures up asap...but will leave you with a Blue October Video

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Tough Mudder 2011: Wisconsin

The Tough Mudder Wisconsin is the next B.A. event I am training for. For those of you unaware of said event here is brief description:

H-E-Double Hockey Sticks

Mission Accepted.

I typically describe it as a adventure race. The Wisconsin event is a 10 mile course through Devils Head Ski Resort. Along the route are 20 obstacles to overcome. These road blocks consist of natural hills ( its is a ski resort ), muddy slick hills, low wire forcing you to crawl through the mud, greased monkey bars over freezing water, fire you have to run through, electrical fields you have to run though ( no joke ), and lastly a surprise obstacle they don't release until the day of. Oh yeah, our (Wis.) race in July - so its going to be hot! Muy caliente!

When contemplating to do this I was thinking of exactly how to train for it... the race itself requires strength, power, aerobic capacity, and lots and lots of fortitude of all kinds - testicular...mental...

So - I am doing it all in hopes of not burning out to soon

3 (4) week phases

Phase 1
3x wk -lift
3x wk - run
1x wk - rest

Mon, Wed, and Fri - Lift
Mondays are lower body, Wednesdays are upper body, and Fridays are full body. On Mondays and Wednesdays I am using a modified 5/3/1 template for front squat and incline bench. My core lift on Fridays are going to be of strongman nature and I started with Farmers Walks. For 3 weeks I kept the total distance the same but each week increased the weight per hand. I actually ended up walking 230 per hand for 20yds. Not bad for me seeing that I use to train with a buddy in La Crosse and I had to do timed holds with 200 a hand, I could barely walk with that then. Thanks Lance ;)

On Tuesdays and Thursdays I would run for 30min on the treadmill about approx. 5.0-5.5mph. I was getting anywhere from 2.5-3.0miles. The reason for running on a treadmill was weather related as well as postural. The last time I tried to start running I was running on the side of country roads that were banked. Not so good on the outside leg due to the uneven ground. So I developed my base on a flat controlled surface. For those of you that are still reading this your probably saying to yourself that's only 2x per week and you said 3x earlier. That's because on Saturdays I would run outside back at home. On Saturdays I am doing a distance run. For the 1st phase I have just been doing 3 miles. Now that I am in phase 2 I will bump of the mileage every other week. (4,5,6,7; phase 3 8,9,10,5; competition)

So far phase 1 has been successful. I have not burned out after 4 weeks. I still feel my strength has diminished to much and the most improved are my lungs. One definite draw back is that my body comp sucks even with improved nutritional habits (but not ideal). I need to be more I totally just ate 6pc of pizza a client brought it. Running is becoming a lot easier and it doesn't hurt AH much. Now that I am into phase 2 my times are increasing in my weekly runs, my distance on the weekends are increasing, plus on my lifting days I also have some extra HIIT and shorter steady state (10-20min).

I will take the time graph it out a little better in the upcoming posts but that is it for now. An updated graph and more info on phase 2 to follow. plus some video from phase 1.

Lift smart Lift strong